Tag Archives: closed church

I Am Essential

Note from Author: When so many churches closed down in late March, we opened up the gates of our Ranch, and had people come and sit on our simple spit log seats outside and we started Ranch Church for 60 days during this extremely emotional time. For Mother’s Day I ministered a sermon to build up our mothers and let them know they are essential.  As I kept asking my Pastor and staff to let me come to church or just let me sit under a tree in the parking lot and listen to our Pastor over a PA speaker to feel proactive as the Bride and Body of Christ, this Word took root in my Spirit, I woke up one day and said “I Am Essential”, reader be ware. The testimony you are about to read my detonate a Revival Fire in you.  We want to declare this in love for our brothers and sisters that you would received this as Prophetic declaration to the heavenlies.  We want to bring unity to the body with our words but also help everyone understand the truth of the situation we are in.

I am Essential

Essential:  something that is basic or necessary : something essential. adjective. es·​sen·​tial | \ i-ˈsen-shəl \

The governor said I was not essential... So my church shut down

My friend was arrested…Still my church stayed closed.

An outcry went forth, Christian lawyers engaged… Within 72 hours the governor, then said The Church in Florida was essential.

I received a call from the church in the first week, asking if we were ok, for a moment I was essential.

So the next sunday, I could not see my Pastor, so I wrote him, he did not respond…I was not essential.

If the power company was going to turn the power off to the church, or telephone service or cable TV to my Pastors house, the power company, telephone or cable  would have been essential. He would have called the utility company.

So then the government suggested that a chip or tracer would be put into a serum vaccination and if people did not participate they would not be allowed to enter into society. Sounded like the mark of the beast to me and the beginning of the anti-Christ. Yet my church was closed to me, Internet Church or what is becoming Synthetic Church, was now the new norm, to define their version for Essential.

This was strange, unnatural, new territory, so I wrote the church again, asking if I could stand under a tree in the parking lot, not go inside, and be ministered to by an Elder or hear my Pastors voice over a speaker in the parking lot.

We were told that I must listen over the internet, even though my internet works sporadically and the Bible says “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves” (Heb 10:25) and  “if anyone among you is sick call the elders of the church” (James 5:14-15). So I began surfing internet and found astounding stories of Covid lies, Covid treachery and conspiracy of colleges and labs owning stock and patents. That the virus was going to make leaders in the industry big money. Learning that the flu kills more every year, and that storms, hurricanes and earth quakes kill more every year.  I wanted to seek my Pastors advice, he would not respond, I wasn’t essential.

We continued to work, to do all things needed to generate money.  We were being isolated for the first time in American history.  I wondered if the church staff were being paid on their vacation, while we had no work and our business sales were plummeting. I notices that it seemed to be essential that blue collar men worked on one of the church’s new buildings.  What is the staff doing? week two, three, four, email 1 ,2, 3 and no one called, no one  allowed me to visit…I wasn’t essential.

So we opened up “Ranch Church” at our Cattle Ranch, desperate for fellowship, wanting to spread hope, vision and purpose. We felt essential.

We learned that the local Church of God in Callahan was having drive-In church for Easter/Resurrection Sunday, so we went and  felt more than Essential. I felt patriotic as the spirit of my revolutionary grandfathers and relatives who fought in every war to defend the flag and constitution, surged in me.

We learned that a Church in Yulee Fl was having drive-in church and daily prayer.  So we asked if we could bring a team and decree post-virus-prosperity of silver and gold per Psalm 105:37. They said come, so we did. We became Essential.

So I asked my church, why aren’t home groups open or intercessors mobilized? I was told they are. I asked why is it secret? Why isn’t it advertised. I offered to bring a team of warriors who had no fear of virus or death.  No answer. We were not given a opportunity to be essential.

We asked for help plan an upcoming soaking, Missionary event that was pre approved, and was told that all events and planning is on hold due to the virus. Post-virus plans were not Essential

I argued that we are the church, the bride, that we must be an example as the Scriptures says “They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony and loved not their lives unto the death”(Rev 12:11). I was told that some Pastor in Jacksonville has covid, so we feel it’s wisdom to remain closed. I argued that it’s unconstitutional to keep the church closed, I was told that New York did it in 1917 and was given an improper interpretation of Romans 13 concerning civil liberties and submission. What about Black Robe Clergy that fought tyranny during the Revolutionary War. New York State may have issued edicts 100 years ago, when millions were dying does not meet the scrutiny of the Federalist Papers nor the Bill of Rights.   The Civil war was fought over States Rights versus Federal Jurisdiction. Just because a Governor or Mayor suggests something, does not make it law. Over and over I stated how a church in Germany sang louder to drown out cries of the gypsies, elderly and Jews being marched off to their deaths, and that any liberty we freely give up now, will never be given back by big government and tyranny later.  The covid virus is a biblical pestilence demonstrating that we are in the end times. That this is a test run to see who will stand up for Christ.  I was told that an intercessor at church had a virus and now all prayer meetings were shut down. I asked why the prayer meeting were secret for a certain chosen few. I asked if the local pastor or intercessor was interviewed and possibly had sin in their life or had not taken communion and why would the actions of 1 or 2 people, change the Holy Scriptures and the Church’s mandate and or the Great Commission.

 I reminded leaders that the Ordinances of the Church are to be done in person such as baby dedications, communion, elders praying for sick, laying on of hands, water baptism, etc can’t be done when they’re hidden in their homes. If ever the people needed the clergy, a Pastor, Presbytery, those who have been called out as God’s representatives and whom have been taking our tithes, it would be in a pandemic, an epidemic or a catastrophe. Listen to what Dr Rodney Howard-Brown says. “You need to touch somebody, look them in the eye and lay hands on people. You can’t substitute modern technology for Bible ministry.”

So now we must conclude that our opinions is not important, that our help is not needed and that my church’s voice in the community is limited to the internet or synthetic church. We began to see that the church staff was more concerned about fear of lawsuits or taking time off, rather than to shepherd and to  leave the 99 (Luke 15:4) or fight or go to jail for me.

What do I do with this new knowledge? Oh how I have been awakened!  How do you put new wine in a old wineskin? Remember the movie when Roman soldiers asked “Where is Spartacus?”  One by one all of the slaves said  “I am Spartacus”

One author recently wrote: “The Day of the Lord is not yet upon us, but we are in the headwaters of the flood that is swiftly approaching. The flood of deception is a precursor of more physically persuasive tactics designed to deceive the whole world into accepting the lie. But for now, Satan is surely concentrating primarily on God’s called-out ones.

God is permitting a sifting to take place. Paul uses the word “delusion” in II Thessalonians 2:11, indicating a “wandering out of the way.” Does that not happen to people who are confused and have lost direction and motivation? They wander. They drift. They get tossed about in the winds and currents. But the love of the truth will keep a person clear-minded, focused on the right areas of life and motivated to overcome. And this will lead God to save them.”

If our Pastors send messages of mixed emotions, callings and self preservation then: 2 Thessalonians 2:7 says For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way.


Ready to be a restrainer? Ready to enlist in the Bride’s war department? God’s Army of intercessors, those 7000 in 1 kings 19:18 who have not bowed the knee is marching and he is asking “Will you ride with me”? The day is rapidly approaching when you may be forced to take an inoculation, serum, anti-virus shot or you will not be allowed to “enter Society”  = “go to work”. Better write your Senator, Congressman, City council person, Mayor today or suffer the consequences tomorrow.

I am reminded of the Apostle Peter’s request to be hung upside down as he was crucified for his faith. Legend says, He said “He was not worthy to be crucified like Jesus upright”. If the foundation of the church was laid with these pillars of character, humility and integrity how can I let a germ that the left and the devil is using to spread fear to shut our economy down to help shift the upcoming election, by misstating statistics, cause me to hide, shrink my faith back or shirk my responsibilities as a witness. After all, I  am born again, I have had a conversion. My mind will not forget, that there was a specific time and place that Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, redeemed my Spirit, Soul and Body to be available for such a time and season as this. 

…the message is loud and clear… Jesus has taken us into a Spacious Place (Psalm 18:19) and by His Righteousness and Blood,  I am essential